“She’d sensed the foreboding cloud moving overhead like a large, dark hand that threatened to reach down and choke the life out of her world.”
— Bloody Madison
Eventually Charley made his way to the American Southwest in the closing days of the Old West. Wyatt Earp’s famous shootout, the death of Cochise, and the initiation of the Transcontinental Railroad were already history. But Charley would soon make his own history, leaving his mark on the times and places that continue to awaken public curiosity and imagination.
— Fugitive Justice
At that moment, he cracked under the pressure. He confessed to being a witness to the murders and an accessory who helped bury the bodies.”
— Murder in Big Bend
Quotes from
Murder in the Mountains

About Nadia Dean
Nadia Dean is the author of the critically-acclaimed historical narrative A Demand of Blood: The Cherokee War of 1776. Based on the book she wrote and directed the docudrama Cameron and composed the film’s musical score. For the Museum of the Cherokee, she produced a documentary about Cherokee diplomacy in 1777, funded by the South Carolina Humanities Council.
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P.O. Box 369
Cherokee, NC, 28719

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